Friday, November 15, 2013

Missing This Cute Girl

sooo revealing of our personalities. Amanda, you're the boring angel
Alexa has been serving a spanish-speaking mission in the California Los Angeles Mission for the past 10 months. I can't say how proud I am of her! Missions are hard work and require a lot of sacrifice, so we are all very impressed. I 've loved seeing her mature through her letters. So that you all can see it too, I've collected the Best of Hermana Landon:
Oh hello sillies!!! Tell me about what's going on with work and school? did you draw any cool pictures at work Dad? Did mom buy any more pictures? haha my hermanas in mi distrito always threaten to send mom pictures of what I eat whenever I eat jello or a cookie. I tell them mom would never send me cookies or sweets in a package. She would send me an empty box! They think Mom is so funny from what I say! Everyone loves me? well everyone loves mom! (Ed. note: Everyone loves mom - slogan of my high school career)
Funny story about me. it was like Dumb and Dumber and the christmas story when i tried to eat a orange dream bar the other week. I had heard the ice cream bars can get so cold your tounge will freeze but I had thought my tounge wouldn't be a victim. So I went for a great big lick and BOOM! I was stuck.....Forever! I began to panic and tried to remove my tounge and notify my companion, but all of the elders in our district we sit by saw me and started laughing. I was laughing so hard/ crying wondering why I had been so prideful and dumb. I drooled and counldn't focus on getting un stuck. Everyone was shoving juice and milk for me to pour over my tounge but it would have spilled all over me! I finally pulled it off. My tounge was frozen for a long time after. 
 I get what people mean when they say they're not sure what language they were taught in the MTC, but it wasn't the mission language. It's hard to figure out what the latinos are saying, I understand a lot of words, it just goes by so quickly I don't get main point of what they said. Sister Curtis is SUPER helpful in teaching me. She will only speak to me in Spanish and if I don't understand she is so willing to repeat until I do. Yesterday I told her most of the time I only get half of what she says. So this morning in spanish she said to me "Are you going to keep pretending you know what I am saying" and of course I responded with a "yes" to what I didn't understand. She puts a lot of responsibility on me, but always bails me out when I need it. 
I Know God leads us to everyone in our path. We hand out copies of the Book Of Mormon like candy out here. If it starts out in the wrong hands it will end up in the right ones sooner or later.
An elder shared with me a poem about missionary life and it was hilarious how true it was. It said something about being on a mission you really do feel the happiest and the saddest, you've never before met so many crazy people and so many wonderful people. You never feel so forsaken and never so loved and comforted. You've never worked so hard and still felt like you've been lazy. You've never wanted to go home so bad and wanted to stay more than ever.
My comp and I were laughing about how every RM tells the best stories about miracles and awesome things that happen and make it sound like they happen all the time, but in reality they don't. It's hard every day our numbers sometimes show 0 success, so why am I so happy? Why do we feel so accomplished? For some reason- by the mercies of Heavenly Father- it's always worth it. At the end of the day we didn't get any lessons, I feel so worn out, but I think about all the people we talked to and how happy I felt with them and my companions.
We almost have 5 missionaries from our Spanish ward! That's so many! we hear things about there being about there being 50,000 then it's 60,000 and then 70,000! This must be the work of God or half of the things we do and half the work we put in would never turn out well or work. Everyday is a testimony to me. If this wasn't the true work of God I wouldn't be here anymore. This is way too hard to be a fun volunteer summer experience. I can't understand why I am so happy when I am so tired everyday and the night goes by way to quickly.
These people are worth it. I love every one of them!
I've been struggling in the work and fighting to be the consecrated missionary I want to be. It's been hard talking to people and loosing them. Sometimes I feel like I'm at my end. Like nothing I do will help anyone. But the atonement is real. Christ suffered alone. But I am not alone. He carries me every time I feel so bad. And He's always with me any other time. He loves me and I love him. That's why I'm still here working. Salvation is personal. But everyone needs it.
I have felt like the lord has bless me with the opportunity to help a lot of people be baptized, and with all the love I can feel, just lift my heart! but Now I feel I am at a point where I don't need that to feel happy. I am seeing myself change and become more like Christ. I am seeing my desires change. I am seeing sharing the gospel in even a more different way. A better way. The best way. There is no greater blessing than to use your whole heart everyday to help people understand clearly the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ, and if they choose, accept it. We can do it on missions, we can do it as parents, we can do it with our friends/neighbors.
We gave a church tour to a man who said he wanted to learn more about the book of mormon and what it is...He understood he felt that it was truth and said he would pray to ask God if it was true. That was one of the first times especially that I felt I taught so simply they understood right away what we meant and the spirit confirmed the truth so strongly. it all rests on clarity and simplicity and telling them the pure truth so they can make the ful decision on their own to find out for themselves.
I have continually moved forward through my mission. I have given up all I was before to be new and better and more like christ. I has been such a challenge that I would never before have overcome or even began but My father has helped me. He is always there for me. He has always loved me.  

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