I know I steal a lot off of her blog but Caitlin pretty much hit it on the nose when she said, "Mostly I don't understand people who say "Waaaah waaah wahhhhhh I'm single and it's Valentine's Day so I'm going to pout and WHHIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEEEE! WAAAAH WAAAAAH PITY PAAHHHHTY!" To those people, I say: You know why you're miserable? Because you missed the entire point. It's not about YOU. V-day is about making sure that everyone you love knows you love them. It's about showing love to the people who make you love being alive and being thankful for the presence of those people in your life."
Singles Awareness Day makes me want to slap some very silly people around. This day is not about your Facebook relationship status. So get over yourselves.
Now onto the goods: I love God. He is good. I love you family and friends and even strangers who might enjoy secretly stalking my blog. Thank you for your love though I am throughly undeserving of it. Amelia says, "We LOVE you! Mostly Jimmer, but also YOU." Please enjoy our usual holiday e-card :)

I love you Whitney! I especially love the label on this post "love is a battlefield". hahahahahahhahahahahha