Once I was a monkey in a play called Words, Words, Words. Fellow monkeys were Steve Geluso and Britton Winterrose. Steve was a character, unlike any I've ever met. I know approximately 4 things about Steve: 1. He likes type-writers 2. He has an uncanny climbing ability 3. He once asked Rainn Wilson to play chess with him and 4. He scanned all 258 pages of the calculus solutions manual to be used for the good of high school calculus students everywhere until his site was shut down for suspected terrorist activity. He also is my hero because he has accomplished one of my secret desires for social experimentation: live as a hobo for a week. To be fair he calls it Vagabond week and vehemently denies this week as having anything to do with homelessness but meh, close enough.
The rules:
- Vagabonds are required to not spend consecutive nights in the same place.
- Vagabonds must spend one night with people they have never met before.
- Vagabonds carry all clothing and necessary goods with them.
- Vagabonds cannot bring laptops and phones are used only to make phone calls.
- Vagabonds only eat what they are given for free.
- Vagabonds must spend at least one night outside.
Ok, I may have made up a few of those last rules but if I were to put on Vagabond Week that's how I'd do it. Interested? Here's the link: http://dailyuw.com/2009/4/6/finding-new-perspective/
Whitney! You make me laugh so much! You make an excellent monkey! That's a compliment don't worry! :)