Summer is the magical season when you never know exactly what will happen. And this summer some very magical things did happen (cue nostalgia). I finally pruned my gmail inbox to an anorexic 3 unread messages. The HP legacy ended. I started a diet of entirely chocolate. Best friend and roommate got engaged. Alexa graduated. Five elderly women now hold a piece of my heart. I managed to spend a good 57.1% of my summer unwashed (that's showering 3 days of the week on average...disgusted anyone?). God kindly let me serve for two months in my most coveted calling: Relief Society teacher. And lastly, I only lost a single shoe in the move. This is the record among moving-day records, including 'Most Toothbrushes Found' or 'Largest Spider Killed'. One shoe isn't even really a whole item; it is half of one item. This is momentous, friends.
Luckily, I don't have to be too sad about the end of summer because I have some even better things in store.
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