Photo taken by Alexa Landon.
Please note the sideways snowflake in the bottom right corner. Kewl.
Sometimes I only catch a fragment of a quote or common saying and I make up the rest in my head. I watched Eat Pray Love today but was not particularity fond of the movie, mainly because I just could not connect with her character. Storyline: rich, selfish woman ends her marriage for no particular reason and goes abroad for a year to eat and 'find herself'. I ended up crying a lot for the poor husband she abandoned. Fortunately, I did catch this nugget and it salvaged the movie for me: "...it is good to have a broken heart...." and being my nostalgic, a-love-lost-is-better-than-none-at-all self, I finished "it means you have the ability give your heart wholly to another." On occasion it is not so bad to get that empty-chested, heart-broken feeling. If nothing else it reminds me that I am alive and how wonderful it is to at least feeling something. I have absolutely no idea if that theme was at all present in the movie, but that's mainly what I got out of it. Then again, I actively practice selective listening so that I get only what I want out of my media.
Whitney. You're great. I like you. And I like this post. :) Merry Christmas!!!!! :)