Last night we celebrated the new year of the dragon at FHE with Chinese music videos, firecrackers, and fortune cookies. Fitting, I say. Unfortunately, the fortune cookies this year were a little disappointing. Lemme tell ya, if I made fortune cookies they would have Chinese proverbs like this:
Man who run in front of car get tired.
Man who run behind car get exhausted.
Wife who put husband in doghouse soon find him in cathouse.
Man with one chopstick go hungry. (true)
And then I would probably throw in a few of my Mom's 'proverbs'.
Never make more money than your husband.
Don't marry a doctor. They can cheat on you.
Close off your heart.
In any case, here are my 2011 Resolutions in review...
1. Write in my (non-existent) journal at least once a week. I probably should call this a failure because this soooo did not happen but I did write in my journal more than once this year (past patterns). SUCCESS. Also, I blog. Le duh.
2. STOP BUYING SHOES. 2010 alone involved 7 new pairs. Yeah.....so this year it was only 3 pairs. Progress is progress.
3. Read scriptures in the morning. Yes, I too am a victim of late-night sleepiness. Not usually a huge problem except when my spiritual cup still needs filling. One of these days I'll wrestle myself out of bed BEFORE class starts. I've decided this doesn't actually matter as much to me as I thought it did. Late-night reading here I come.
4. Read. Not romantic fiction, not science fiction, not any fiction. Since high school I've turned into quite the binge reader. If I do read, it's mounds of crap literature that I can just tell is turning my arteries to lard. In honor of Jerusalem, I am reforming my ways and turning to non-fiction literature on middle eastern culture and conflict. Big fat CHECK.
5. Delete my facebook...eventually. Don't get me wrong, it's been real. I'll never forget vague status updates, countless hours spent stalking, or my fair share of made-possible-by-fb dates. To the best wingman ever: cheers! I'll miss ya! Also checked...then I realized I have no way to stalk people. Obvious problem.
...and my new 2012 Chinese New Years Resolutions:
1. Sprint triathlon this summer. Here I come baby.
2. No buying things outside of the need category. Ambitious, I know. So I might have failed miserably at no shoes in 2011, but what else can you do when faced with failure except make loftier goals? The trick to lofty goal achieving is making exceptions. That way you can still fail but also win. And, as it were, nail polish is always my exception.
3. Learn a new skill (I'm still working out the details on this one).
3. Read scriptures in the morning. Yes, I too am a victim of late-night sleepiness. Not usually a huge problem except when my spiritual cup still needs filling. One of these days I'll wrestle myself out of bed BEFORE class starts. I've decided this doesn't actually matter as much to me as I thought it did. Late-night reading here I come.
4. Read. Not romantic fiction, not science fiction, not any fiction. Since high school I've turned into quite the binge reader. If I do read, it's mounds of crap literature that I can just tell is turning my arteries to lard. In honor of Jerusalem, I am reforming my ways and turning to non-fiction literature on middle eastern culture and conflict. Big fat CHECK.
5. Delete my facebook...eventually. Don't get me wrong, it's been real. I'll never forget vague status updates, countless hours spent stalking, or my fair share of made-possible-by-fb dates. To the best wingman ever: cheers! I'll miss ya! Also checked...then I realized I have no way to stalk people. Obvious problem.
...and my new 2012 Chinese New Years Resolutions:
1. Sprint triathlon this summer. Here I come baby.
2. No buying things outside of the need category. Ambitious, I know. So I might have failed miserably at no shoes in 2011, but what else can you do when faced with failure except make loftier goals? The trick to lofty goal achieving is making exceptions. That way you can still fail but also win. And, as it were, nail polish is always my exception.
3. Learn a new skill (I'm still working out the details on this one).