Sunday, March 4, 2012


I've been experiencing a lack of blogger material probably due to the fact that anything I post now is infinitely lame when compared to posting about Jerusalem. Confession: I MISS JERUSALEM. I miss Jerusalem friends. I miss having my schedule totally laid out for me. I miss incredible field trips. I miss new experience every day. I miss just wandering around until I found friends (ok so maybe I still do this in the WILK). And most of all I miss not planning my future.

I feel like everyone around me is moving forward with their lives, getting all married or going on missions and I'm...just not. I mean I AM moving forward with my life, with the MCAT and med school apps and other things I want to do but there's this part of me that feels suspended in time and space. And paralyzed with indecision. I never knew I was so indecisive! I guess it's all part of that awful age 20. I am so young. I don't know how I convince people I am qualified enough to be making my own life-decisions. It might be how aptly I put off midterm studying by watching Pretty Little Lairs on Hulu and dining out at Saigon Cafe, or how most of my sophisticated meals consist of granola bars and vending machine goldfish.

It is nice to feel to feel young every once in a while though, especially since the majority of my dates this semester have been with fresh-off-the-mission RMs. Most of these have been first dates only, based solely on their academic statuses as freshman and occasionally sophomores. You may be attractive and spiritual and fun but there is NO WAY I am sticking around in Provo any longer than it takes me to graduate. FYI. Currently I am invested stalking the juniors/seniors I actually want to date. Let me know if you've figured out how to move from stalking to dating. I'm still working on it.


  1. speak the truth. I just laughed out loud at that last little bit. SO TRUE. :)

  2. Girl. I feel you. My mom has to tell me nearly every day that I AM ONLY TWENTY and I don't have to figure out what I am going to do for the rest of my life RIGHT NOW. But looking around and seeing everyone else making huge marriage/mission decisions can be a downer. Just know that when you watch PLL and eat Goldfish I'm right there with you eating Ben and Jerry's from the carton! Also, I am a real creep.
