Sunday, October 6, 2013

Macy Makes My Day

October is Down's Syndrome Awareness Month! Did you know that 9 out of 10 women who find out that their child has Down's Syndrome will terminate the pregnancy? Does this news shock you? I bet most of these women never grew up in close proximity to someone with Down's Syndrome. If they had, then they would know that of course raising a child with DS comes with great difficulty (like any child) but it also comes with great joy! They would know that while Down's Syndrome children will never be developmentally perfect, they will still live full, happy lives. I think we should encourage more  women to keep their Down's Syndrome babies and see them as different, not damaged. 

Macy Makes My Day is an instagram created by a mother about her Down's Syndrome daughter, Macy. In her own words, she created the account because, "in this day and age with social media, we have endless opportunities to promote whatever the heck we want. And while social media may often be used for selfish and less than ideal purposes it's at my disposal to help the whole world see the beauty and gift that Down syndrome is." She adopted Macy as a baby and truly believes that parents of Down's Syndrome children are the blessed few. Some of Carter's family are looking to adopt a DS child and I think they would agree :) The portraits into Macy's life show a beautiful, vibrant, loving fashonista who only needed a chance at life to thrive. You absolutely have to look at her insta! She's adorable! Macy's mom also has a blog: Oh Macyn!

1 comment:

  1. For fun I just did a macymakesmyday google search and this came up. So sorry I had not seen it sooner. Love what you had to say. Thanks for encouraging and sharing! God bless you
