Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Happy One Year Anniversary, Ling Ling!

When I started this blog, and all 800 of my journals, I didn't have any particular goals or any general audience in mind. In fact, I didn't even intend to tell people about my alternate persona 'Ling Ling'. You know, the alternate personality who admits how in love she is with her TAs, proudly proclaims her accomplishments across the internet, and thinks she is pretty funny... oh wait, that last one is me. I just meant to write about myself for myself and see where myself would lead me. And after a lifetime of failed journals and one surprisingly successful year of a blog, I have learned quite a lot about myself. I do not care at all about deadlines. I like lame jokes. I care about the real world...the one that exists outside of this Utah bubble. I take pictures. I overuse question marks and colons. I think my family is out-of-this-world hilarious. And lastly, but probably most importantly, I don't care enough about what I'm putting on the internet. Like my dream crush on Devin...totes not approp.

Of course, I guess I did tell a few people about my blog (but only out of honesty when directly asked the question 'do you have a blog?') and so I begun posting with only one goal in mind: entertainment. Maybe I've strictly adhered to this, maybe I haven't. In reference to my journal I once told a friend, "My general goal is to write something that someone will eventually want to read, so I throw in some dinosaurs here and there and call it a day. Historical accuracy? Not really a priority." I apply the same philosophy to my blog, hence the tagline "I reserve the right to exaggerate as much as possible". I sincerely hope you, whoever you are (my sources tell me mainly the continental US, Alaska, and Canada), have been entertained this year. I certainly have. And if you find this need was not met, just follow the links at the bottom of this post. I know plenty of entertaining internet treasure troves.

From some cute girls at BYU who I will probably recognize on campus and then have to pretend like I don't:

This is a sophmore at BYU-I and she gets all her clothes thrifted alllllll the time. It's incredible. She's also inspiring me with her No-Make-Up-November:

You don't know this girl but I do and she is saucy:

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