Monday, October 31, 2011

Unda' The Sea

Snorkeling in the Red Sea opened me to a whole new underwater world. Never knew what my life was missing all these years and now I know that it was a snorkel. Finding Nemo, here I come.

Yes, Moses did part this shiz . . . ok, OK that actually was the Reed Sea but a girl can dream.

Supposedly this is the 2nd best snorkel spot in THE WHOLE WORLD. Or so my roommate's travel book says, and I absolutely believe everything I read in a travel book.

Sailing is next on my list of 'things to discover'. Just call me Ferdinand Magellan.

If I had an underwater camera this blog would be PLASTERED with pictures of Dorys and Nemos and various marine wildlife but instead all you get are these pictures of me and friends. At least we're really good at taking pictures.

These are going in my portfolio. Call me if you need a swimsuit model and my secretary will schedule you in.

1 comment:

  1. I would give anything to be there right now!
    It's freezing cold where I'm at right now.
    No bueno.
